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Biden orders mandatory masks for all federal workers and visitors

US President Joe Biden has announced that all federal workers and visitors to federal buildings will have to wear masks indoors. Biden’s order comes on the back of a recommendation by the (CDC).

Biden announced the mask order on Thursday, four days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dramatically reversed its earlier guidance and recommended that vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike mask up indoors in certain areas.

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Earlier media reports suggested that Biden was going to announce mandatory vaccination for all federal employees, but the president apparently pulled back from that plan. Nevertheless, Biden pinned the US’ rising number of Covid-19 cases on the “failure of the minority to get vaccinated.”

However, the CDC’s new mask guidance was made in light of so-called “breakthrough” infections, or cases of Covid-19 among the vaccinated, as well as unpublished data that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said this week shows the vaccinated can carry as high a viral load as the unvaccinated.


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