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Proud Boys chairman arrested in DC for ‘destruction of property’ after last year’s torching of BLM banner

Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio, whose group torched a BLM banner torn from a black church last month in Washington, has reportedly been arrested after returning to the nation’s capital for a pro-Trump protest.

Metropolitan Police nabbed Tarrio, 36, on Monday. During his arrest for destruction of property, he was allegedly found to be in possession of two high-capacity ammunition magazines, in violation of the District of Columbia’s strict gun laws, the New York Times reported

The property charge stemmed from the burning of a Black Lives Matter banner during a protest last month. Tarrio had returned to Washington for a massive demonstration that is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, when Congress convenes to certify election results from Democrat Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.

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Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio (right of center) and others attempt to set fire to a Black Lives Matter banner during a rally in Washington, DC, December 12, 2020.
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The Proud Boys have been among the most aggressive and controversial backers of the president, rallying in recent weeks over Trump’s allegations of massive election fraud. The group has had a series of violent clashes with Antifa and BLM demonstrators at events across the country during Trump’s term, including confrontations that led to four people being stabbed last month in DC.

USA Today reporter Will Carless said he was interviewing by phone on Monday when sirens were heard blaring in the background. Tarrio told his driver to pull over the car, Carless said, then told the reporter, “They’re for me. Here’s something to write about.”

Conservatives were outraged that DC police were apparently poised to pounce when Tarrio returned to the city, pointing out that BLM and Antifa rioters set fires, vandalized national monuments, destroyed property and threw rocks and other projectiles at police – mostly without being arrested.

“You can destroy an entire row of storefronts in DC and not get arrested, but if you destroy a Black Lives Matter flag . . .,” said lawyer Will Chamberlain, co-publisher of Human Events.

Political analyst Matt Couch, who describes himself as a friend of Tarrio, said he believes the city could be sued for discrimination. “DC police didn’t arrest any of the rioters who burned the St. John’s Church, but they arrest Enrique Tarrio over a BLM banner,” he said.

Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban by heritage, took responsibility for the BLM banner burning in a Parler post last month. He denied that the incident was a hate crime, saying the only hatred in his heart “is for communism and an authoritarian government.” He called BLM a Marxist movement.

“Come get me if you feel like what I did was wrong,” Tarrio added. “We’ll let the public decide.”

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WATCH Proud Boys torching BLM banner amid violence-marred protest day in DC

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