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Obama & Bush ashamed of ‘3rd world banana republic’ riot in DC as Dems seek to impeach Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorists’

Two former presidents united in condemning the crowd that stormed the Capitol, while Democrats led calls to impeach President Donald Trump for what they called his incitement of the 'insurrection' by demonstrators.

Several thousand Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, interrupting the joint session of Congress meeting to certify Democrat Joe Biden as the next US president.

The violence was “incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election, as a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation,” said Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, calling what happened on Capitol Hill the “desecrated chambers of democracy.”

Obama denounced Republicans for a “fantasy narrative” that has “spiraled further and further from reality, and it builds upon years of sown resentments” and urged the party to “choose reality” and “choose America” by certifying the election of Democrat Joe Biden as the next president.

His predecessor George W. Bush called the “insurrection” at the Capitol a “sickening and heartbreaking sight.”

“This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic,” Bush said, condemning “people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes.”

Meanwhile, several Democrat lawmakers have called for Congress to impeach Trump again – as the House did in December 2019, though he was acquitted in the Senate. 

“I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment” against Trump, announced Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), saying that Congress “can’t allow him to remain in office” as a “matter of preserving our Republic.”

“Impeach,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) tweeted in agreement. 

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Massachusetts), who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, argued that Trump “incited an insurrection” and should be removed for “an assault on the citadel of democracy.”

Meanwhile, CBS News has reported that more than one member of Trump’s cabinet is discussing invoking the 25th Amendment and asking Vice President Mike Pence to remove Trump from office, but haven’t made a formal motion yet.

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