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Trump sues, asking US Supreme Court to overturn Wisconsin election outcome – campaign team

Donald Trump has asked the US Supreme Court to declare the outcome of the presidential election in the state of Wisconsin void and order its legislature to assign a new group of electors, his campaign has announced.

The lawsuit, filed by the outgoing president in his capacity as an election candidate, argues that the outcome of the election in Wisconsin remains unknown due to uncertainty about the validity of tens of thousands of absentee ballots, Trump’s campaign said. It’s the latest of many legal steps Trump has taken in Wisconsin and elsewhere to challenge his rival Joe Biden’s November 3 victory.

Last week, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to strike down a lawsuit that Trump filed against the state elections commission, saying the 10 electors who were sent by Wisconsin to vote for Joe Biden had been assigned legally.

A Wisconsin district court that had previously considered the case was right to rule against the president, due to a “delay in bringing the challenges to Wisconsin law that provide the foundation for the alleged constitutional violation. Even apart from the delay, the claims fail under the Electors Clause,” the ruling said.

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Team Trump believes the dismissal was wrong and insists that changes in rules on absentee voting, which it believes made the entire Wisconsin ballot unconstitutional, were made too late to be challenged before the vote.

“In Wisconsin, guardrails against fraud were repeatedly lowered by unelected bureaucrats who changed the rules on the eve of the election without authority to do so,” the campaign claimed. “We are asking the [US Supreme] Court to find these last-minute changes unconstitutional and conclude that they make it impossible to determine which candidate received the most valid votes.”

Another court loss for Trump came in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which, on December 14, dismissed claims of irregularities in a 4-3 vote. A petition to the US Supreme Court to review the ruling with experience was filed by the Trump campaign this week. Congress is set to certify the Electoral College votes on January 6.

Biden won Wisconsin by roughly 20,600 votes, according to state-certified results. Team Trump claims that as many as 50,000 absentee votes were cast in the state illegally. Biden has 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, so even if the US Supreme Court takes Trump’s side and invalidates results in Wisconsin, it alone wouldn’t be enough to overturn Biden’s victory.

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