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Ted Nugent sets off Twitter SJWs with holiday message slamming Black Lives Matter as ‘soulless, stupid & based on lies’

Conservative rocker Ted Nugent appeared on the ‘America This Week’ radio program and made waves by targeting the Black Lives Matter movement, letting out comments that are earning him accusations of racism.

Asked by host Eric Bolling on Sunday about athletes like Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem and the American flag being “disrespected” at protests across the nation, Nugent made his feelings about BLM crystal clear.

“I identify those people as being real soulless, real stupid. They don’t even know what they’re doing,” Nugent said of those behind the BLM movement, then targeting the slogan “hands up, don’t shoot,” a common chant by BLM protesters in reference to the shooting of 2014 Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.

“They claim that somebody’s hands were up, and they got shot. That’s a lie. I know the situation. I’ve studied those situations, and nobody’s hands were up, and nobody got shot. So the entire premise of that so-called protest is based on a lie,” Nugent said.

Reports that Brown had been shot in cold blood by police with his hands raised in surrender, based on uncorroborated accounts of events, were proven to be false in ensuing investigations.

“And they can’t be that stupid. They know it’s a lie. They’re just liars. So when you see someone disrespecting our flag, um, they don’t deserve any respect themselves, and they should be ashamed of themselves,” Nugent said.

Nugent, a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump and a Second Amendment advocate, has been blasted for his blunt comments on the BLM movement – which has seen protests across the country become more and more common this year, some turning to violence – has been accused by liberal activists on social media of racism, though he never referred to black people when making his comments about BLM.

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