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Oops: National Guard announces 'error' in West Virginia as 40 people receive antibody treatment instead of vaccine

Officials have admitted to an “error” that resulted in 42 people receiving the Regeneron antibody treatment instead of the intended Covid-19 vaccine in West Virginia.

The West Virginia National Guard announced the mistake in a statement on Thursday, saying the individuals who received the antibody treatment have been contacted and health officials will follow up with them as a precautionary measure.

The mix-up occurred at a vaccination clinic in Boone County. The county’s health department released their own statement saying they “do not believe” the accident poses any harm to the 42 people who were seeking vaccinations. 

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“The Health Department will continue to work closely with the WV National Guard and the WV Department of Health and Human Resources to review all internal policies and procedures. All of the affected individuals will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine today,” they added. 

Dr. Clay Marsh, the state’s COVID-19 Czar also said the mix-up poses no threat as the antibodies are meant to fight the virus.

“This product was the same one that was administered to President Trump when he became infected. While this injection is not harmful, it was substituted for the vaccine,” he said.

Dr. Marsh added that the mistake is an “opportunity” for health officials to “review and improve the safety and process of vaccination for each West Virginian.”

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It is believed this was an “isolated incident,” but no further details have been provided by individuals about the specifics behind the antibody treatment being given. The treatment is administered by IV (intravenous therapy). It was given emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration in November. 

The mix-up in West Virginia marks the second notable incident to occur as states race to distribute Covid-19 vaccines. An employee was terminated this week for “intentionally” removing what would amount to more than 500 doses of the Moderna vaccine from a refrigeration unit, leading them to be thrown out.

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