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Trump briefly LEAVES hospital in slow drive past crowd of cheering supporters outside Walter Reed (VIDEOS)

President Donald Trump was seen briefly leaving Walter Reed National hospital on Sunday afternoon, after his doctors said earlier in the day that improvements in his condition might allow for him to return to the White House soon.

The surprise move excited a crowd of supporters who had been demonstrating outside the hospital in support of Trump. A black Chevrolet Suburban carrying Trump passed close to a security fence, behind which supporters waved flags and cheered for him. Trump, wearing a mask, waved to the crowd from inside the sport-utility vehicle as he passed by.

Trump had been taken to Walter Reed on Friday, the day after he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for Covid-19, because he was suffering from a high temperature and reduced oxygen levels in his blood.

Doctors told reporters in a press conference earlier Sunday that Trump’s symptoms had improved steadily and that his body temperature had been normal since spiking briefly and dropping back down on Friday morning.

“If he continues to look and feel as well as he does today, our hope is that we can plan for a discharge as early as tomorrow to the White House to continue his treatment course,” Dr. Brian Garibaldi said at Sunday’s press conference.

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