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‘Roid rage’? Trump confuses internet with barrage of all-caps tweets from hospital

Donald Trump’s fondness for Twitter is no secret, and it seems his Covid-19 quarantine hasn’t slowed him down much; he posted 18 tweets in under an hour on Monday, prompting humorous speculation about possible drug side-effects.

Trump’s Twitter day started early on Monday when he began quoting from the ‘Fox & Friends’ morning show, and it continued as he blasted out several all-caps tweets.

Most of the posts were reminiscent of campaign slogans and consisted simply of a couple of words or phrases, along with plenty of directives to “VOTE!” on November 3. “SPACE FORCE. VOTE!” and “PRO LIFE! VOTE” were among the most popular posts. In one of the more detailed tweets, Trump wrote that people should vote for him or “wave goodbye to low taxes and gun rights!”

Trump’s rapid-fire posting attracted even more attention than usual, given that he was presumably tweeting from his Covid-19 quarantine at the Walter Reed Medical Center, where he was admitted on Friday after testing positive for the novel coronavirus.

Speculation quickly mounted that the president’s early morning hectic tweeting pattern was evidence of either some positive or negative outcome from his treatment. 

A common quip among critics was that Trump was experiencing “roid rage” effects due to his Covid-19 medication, and that he had decided to pour the extra energy into tweeting.

Trump’s supporters, on the other hand, took the tweetstorm as proof that Trump was “feeling a lot better.

Trump’s quarantine has not put a stop to his usual social media and attention-grabbing habits. Besides refusing to take a break from Twitter, on Sunday the president arranged a drive-by photo-op in front of his supporters, who had gathered with signs and flags outside Walter Reed.

On the brief trip outside the hospital Trump was surrounded inside the car by Secret Service agents, prompting criticism on social media as detractors said he might be endangering their lives.

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