US President Donald Trump said he plans to catch up on his campaign schedule, disrupted by his Covid-19 diagnosis last week, and could hold a rally as soon as Saturday. Trump said he is likely to take a test on Friday.
“I think I’m going to try doing a rally on Saturday night if we have enough time to put it together, but we want to do a rally... possible in Florida on Saturday night. I might come back and do one in Pennsylvania the following night,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an interview on Thursday night.
Trump once again praised the drug Regeneron for his quick recovery, saying “It’s incredible what’s going on, I feel so good!”
Trump tested positive for coronavirus exactly a week ago. He was transported to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, running a fever with a diminished blood oxygen level. Over the weekend, Trump was prescribed an experimental cocktail of drugs, and was given oxygen at least two times. The president left the hospital on Monday evening, taking a trip back to the White House. Since then, he has been in good spirits, and even said that he was feeling “better” than he did “20 years ago.”
Shortly before Trump went on air with Hannity, his physician Dr. Sean Conley said the president “responded extremely well” to treatment, releasing his vital stats, including respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure.
Conley said he “fully anticipates” Trump to resume his public engagements on Saturday, which will mark the tenth day since he tested positive.
Asked by Hannity whether he took another test since coming up positive for the potentially deadly disease, Trump responded that “probably, the test will be tomorrow,” noting that he does not see much sense in being tested too often.
Trump’s announcement that he could hit the campaign trail as soon as this week (presumably, if his coronavirus test comes back negative) follows a threat from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to invoke the 25th Amendment, which lays down guidelines for replacing a president who dies, resigns or becomes incapacitated.
“We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment,” Pelosi said on Thursday afternoon, but fell short of elaborating further.
If such discussions are to take place on Friday, it’s highly unlikely that Democrats will be able to enforce the amendment, which requires a two-thirds vote in Congress and VP Mike Pence’s agreement to force a transition of power.