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‘Take it from me’: Still bitter Hillary Clinton warns Americans that Trump & ‘foreign adversaries’ could steal election AGAIN

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton again sounded alarms about election-meddling “foreign adversaries” in her speech to the Democratic convention, while urging voters to take revenge for her bitter 2016 loss to Donald Trump.

“For four years, people have said to me, ‘I didn’t realize how dangerous he was,’ ‘I wish I could go back and do it over,’ or worse, ‘I should have voted,’” Clinton said in her address to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, taking voters to task for not sending her to the Oval Office in the last presidential contest.

Well, this can’t be another woulda coulda shoulda election… If we reelect Trump, things will get even worse.

While tearing into Trump and hectoring the American electorate, Clinton also invoked the discredited ‘Russiagate’ scandal that ignited after the 2016 election and dominated news cycles for years, demanding that voters make sure that they, “not a foreign adversary,” choose the president in November.

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The ex-diplomat and first lady gave a full-throated endorsement to the Joe Biden campaign, saying he and running mate Kamala Harris would assemble “the team to pull our nation back from the brink.”

I wish Donald Trump knew how to be a president, because America needs a president right now… We need leaders equal to this moment of sacrifice and service, we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Clinton’s husband, former president Bill Clinton, also addressed the party’s convention on Tuesday night, similarly castigating President Trump for refusing to take “responsibility” for failures in the White House and throwing weight behind Biden’s 2020 bid.

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File photo © REUTERS/Carlos Barria
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