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Mary Trump tells Maddow she heard president use ‘n-word’ and ‘anti-Semitic slurs,’ but all too convenient timing instills doubt

US President Donald Trump’s niece, Mary, said she has personally heard her uncle use racial slurs, claiming they were “normal” in her family. Based on her word alone, however, the charge has been met with skepticism online.

The explosive allegation came on Thursday night in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who asked whether Mary had ever directly heard President Trump using “racist slurs.”

“Oh, yeah, of course I did,” Mary replied, adding “I don’t think that should surprise anybody given how virulently racist he is today.”

Pressed specifically about the “n-word” and “anti-Semitic slurs,” Mary again replied with a curt “Yes,” though provided no specific examples or further detail as to where and when the supposed slurs were used.

While the claim is not the first of its kind, with the president regularly labeled a bigot and even a “white supremacist” by detractors, the MSNBC interview quickly blew up, garnering thousands of likes and shares on social media as critics spread the allegation far and wide.

Members of the #Resistance squad have taken to Twitter to praise Mary for her courage, apparently taking her allegations at face value, despite the fact that she kept quiet until less than 4 months before the upcoming election in November.

A number of netizens found Mary’s account lacking, however, with skeptics emerging to question her broadside on the president. Some pointed to the convenient timing, given that she is currently on a media blitz to promote a new book – billed as a damning exposé of Donald Trump and the Trump family – while others questioned why the claim didn’t come to light sooner.

Journalists on both sides of the political spectrum also noted that the bombshell allegations did not find their way into the supposedly tell-all book, raising further questions as to why they only emerged now, over three years into Trump’s presidency.

As Mary’s book quickly rockets to best-seller status, with nearly one million copies sold on its first day out, some have sought to challenge her credibility, suggesting she has never actually met her uncle in person. While President Trump’s son, Don Jr., recently shared a tweet making that claim, he stopped short of confirming it, saying only that he hadn’t seen her in some two decades, with the possible exception of a Trump family reunion at the White House in 2017.

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