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Anti-Trump camp in meltdown over VIDEO of dancing Roger Stone after his prison term’s commuted

Political huckster Roger Stone celebrated the commutation of his prison sentence in typically flamboyant style: by gyrating to music in a video that went viral and hit a raw nerve with his opponents and those of President Trump.

Ensnared by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ probe, Stone was sentenced in February to three years in prison for interfering with the investigation and tampering with witnesses – charges the long-time Republican maintained were baseless. Trump commuted his sentence on Friday – a move that doesn’t overturn his conviction, but spares him a stint behind bars.

Famed as both a ruthless and cunning strategist, and an eccentric body-building dandy, Stone celebrated his release in a manner that seemed designed to trigger maximum fury in his opponents. Dancing at home that evening to Tone Loc’s 1989 hit ‘Wild Thing,’ Stone appeared not to have a care in the world.

And his moves apparently had the desired effect. “My pure rage is sour on my stomach,” one commenter tweeted. Another described seeing the video as “like being slapped in the face.” 

Stone’s commutation gives him a chance to continue the appeals process against his sentence. Based on his moves, however, some commenters suggested his future lies in the ballroom, rather than the courtroom.

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